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Ziji Innovative Grant


ziji_easter_retreat_london-version-2Goal $3,275 • Raised $3,375

(2016) The Ziji Innovative Grants (ZIG) is a new initiative to support the development of youth groups in Shambhala. The aim is to encourage and empower innovative approaches to turning the flower outward and creating enlightened society among young Shambhalians. With that in mind, ZIG proposes to provide small grants, ranging from $500-1000, for innovative projects by 30s and under Shambhalians, such a community service project, social engagement initiatives, or anything that allows young sangha to make an impact in their local communities. In the process, the ZIG proposal process itself will help to cultivate an appreciation for the power of fundraising and the discipline to be skillful in this realm.

Ziji London: Sponsor an internet advertising campaign that targets the young-professional demographic in London about our new Young Sangha Nights series and our second annual Ziji Youth City Retreat in April 2017.

Date: October 2016 – April 2017
Amount requested: £400 (US $520)

Ziji Nashville: Support ability to attend the KCL Youth Leadership Intensive to strengthen Ziji in Nashville, one of the fastest-growing and youngest cities in the U.S.

Date: October 14-16, 2016
Amount requested: $800

Ziji Dechen Choling: Create a permaculture “lasagna bed” garden – a technique which allows for agricultural growth anywhere, even in concrete parking lots – as a way to introduce young DCL students from all over the world to this revolutionary approach.

Date: October 2016 – Summer 2017
Amount requested: €875 (US$ 980)

Ziji Wales: Help provide meditation cushions and transportation for the first-ever European Ziji Youth Dathun, to be held in Wales in 2017.

Date: November 2017
Amount requested: £750 (US$975)

Encouraging innovation among Shambhala youth will allow us (a) to magnetize young people to Shambhala, (b) to empower them to become leaders in our community and beyond, (c) to harness their creativity in helping Shambhala as a whole actualize the promise of social engagement, and (d) to reach out to local communities around our Shambhala Centers in new and compelling ways. Beyond this, our hope is that individual projects, supported through ZIG and the generosity of the Shambhala Trust, can provide models of social engagement to be replicated in other locations and also inspire Shambhala Centers to take on or find sponsorship for youth initiatives.

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